Beautiful lips

together, sublimate your lips

Your mouth is the very essence of how you express yourself and your sensuality. Do you want it to attract attention, desire, kisses? Together, let’s enhance your lips.

A beautiful mouth is one with well-defined contours, in balance with your face’s other features. Hyaluronic acid is the product of choice for enhancing lips; it redefines the contours and restores any loss of volume that occurs from the age of 35. It is a subtle, precise injection that shows off the red of your lips and your Cupid’s bow. Hyaluronic acid is also used to lift the sagging corners of the mouth and expression lines.

Our expertise

together, sublimate your lips

Reveal your natural beauty
Today and Forever

Customers' opinion

  • « Un lieu design, un encadrement médical, de l’épilation laser aux peelings, je recommande vivement l’expérience Forever. »

    Marion G

  • « Un espace inédit où le professionnalisme est sublimé par l'attitude chaleureuse et familiale d'une équipe souriante et dynamique. Cela fait plusieurs mois que je fréquente l'institut et je vous le recommande vivement. »

    Sébastien H

you are handsome

we enhance your natural good looks


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