Is botulinum toxin possible in your twenties?
One of Forever Institut's missions is to open up dialogue on subjects that are still little discussed and sometimes controversial, such as the use of botulinum toxin in aesthetic medicine on young adults.
At Forever, around 10% of the customers who consult us for aesthetic injections (fillers, Botox, mesotherapy) are aged between 25 and 30. Most of them are young women who want to feel more beautiful and boost their self-confidence.
Our doctors are unanimous: starting botulinum injections in your twenties can really slow down the skin ageing process. At this age, however, the main benefit is to beautify the face and enhance its expression; for example, by targeting a wrinkle that makes the face look angry, surprised or tired.

What is the difference between customers under 30 and those over 40?
- Younger customers come to us with a desire for aesthetic appeal that often has nothing to do with ageing.
- The doses (or units) of botulinum toxin injected are lower on average in younger customers
- The difference is not just in the dosage: the injection points are specific to each face and can vary with age.
- The frequency of injections: our doctors recommend 2 sessions per year for younger people, while older adults can have up to 3 sessions per year.
- In general, we find that young people have Botox on an anecdotal basis. Often it's a one-off procedure in connection with a special event, such as a wedding, for example, whereas when they're older, they have Botox on a more regular basis.
Is there still a taboo surrounding the subject of Botox in young adults?
Even if aesthetic medicine is on the road to democratisation, there is still a taboo in society and in the media. This taboo is dictated by the fact that botulinum toxin is a drug and is associated - wrongly - with the notion of gearing, and therefore addiction.
In reality, when Botox is used on young people to correct muscular hypertonicity, there is a "memory effect". After a few sessions, the muscles tend to lose their excessive tone. The doctor may then reduce the frequency of sessions, or the patient may decide to stop the injections, without the face returning to its previous unsightly appearance.
Finally, there is the fear of "failure". However, the risks of side-effects are limited and the "frozen" look that some may fear is actually the result of matching the customer's request. Natural-effect Botox does exist!
What is the philosophy of our doctors?
Our doctors all have impeccable ethics that foster mutual trust. They know how to respond with intelligence, integrity and balance to any request, whatever the age of the patient, as long as he or she is an adult and fully aware of the issue. Finally, our philosophy will always be guided by the phrase "Looking good, means feeling good, means doing good.