Testimonial: I tested Profhilo

publié le 30 April 2024 dans Health & Wellbeing

Liv, 30 years old

"8 years ago I had an inflammatory reaction following a hyaluronic acid injection. Having realised that I was probably allergic to this product, I gave up the idea of having another injection. So I had to make do with Botox twice a year to prevent expression lines.

During my last visit to Forever Institut, the Doctor told me about Profhilo. Sceptical at first, I told her about my history with hyaluronic acid, to which she explained that Profhilo's very pure formula would suit me well. And she added that my skin needed a boost of hydration and collagen stimulation!

I'm quite sensitive to needles and was a bit worried about the pain, but I was pleasantly surprised. There are only 5 injection points per side of the face, the procedure is quick (15 minutes), and the Doctor pinched my skin lightly before injecting, which took away the discomfort of the needles.

Immediately after the injections, the 10 points form small bumps on the surface of the skin. After 24 hours, this effect has almost completely disappeared. The Doctor explained to me that this was normal, that this type of hyaluronic acid disperses naturally through the diffusion of body heat, and that this is how the desired natural and progressive result is obtained.

I had no allergic reaction to Profhilo. One week after the injection, I can already feel that my skin is denser, stronger and rehydrated. In 2 weeks I'm going back for my second session.

Thank you Forever "