• Soin du visage - Forever Institut

Regard booster

Reduces the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

From CHF 500

  • CHF 500 the session // CHF 1200 for 3 sessions
  • Number of sessions : 3
  • Duration of the session : 45 min
  • #Dark circles
  • #Eye Contour
Lightens dark circles and revives the eye contour.

When dark, bluish-purple or brownish shadows form around the eyes, they are often referred to as dark circles or rings (which is different from a sunken appearance); these accentuate the ‘tear troughs’ or ‘eye contours’, as they are commonly known. 

The bluish rings are caused by a loss of fat along with the thinning of the skin, which becomes more transparent, meaning that the veins under the skin can be seen; this phenomenon is difficult to correct. 

Brown circles are due to the hyperpigmentation (an accumulation of melanin) associated with poor circulation in the smallest blood vessels. This phenomenon affects both men and women, sometimes from their twenties, and is particularly common in people with naturally darker skin tones. In the majority of cases, these circles are hereditary, and they become more obvious with age, exposure to sunlight, a lack of sleep and the consumption of tobacco and alcohol. 

Demand for the removal of these circles which mark the face and make it look older is on the rise, especially since it has become necessary to wear masks: your eyes are highly important in expressing your beauty and youthfulness. 

For several years now, hyaluronic acid has been used to correct circles and rings under the eyes. Today, there is a new formula which brings together hyaluronic and certain fruit acids that have a brightening effect. Regard Booster is injected using micro-needling on the contours around the eyes, paying particular attention to the upper and lower eyelids if they are also discoloured. 

Regard Booster is an anti-circle treatment that is carried out over 3 sessions, each 2 weeks apart.

You will feel like

Reduces the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

  • Regard Booster is the only hyaluronic acid injection that works on the discoloration of circles under the eyes.
  • The only other treatment option is a brightening peel which can prove to be too harsh on the skin around the eyes, which is extremely fine and sensitive.
  • Along with lightening dark circles, Regard Booster smooths out fine lines on the lower eyelids and hydrates the skin around the eyes.

Good to know

Eye contours are delicate areas and circles under the eyes are a complex aesthetic issue. As such, our clinicians take a cautious approach in the choice of anti-circle treatment and we recommend a consultation before any injection treatment.

Micro-injections can leave temporary marks, such as small bumps on the skin, redness or small bruises.

Reduces the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

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Customers' opinion

  • « Un lieu design, un encadrement médical, de l’épilation laser aux peelings, je recommande vivement l’expérience Forever. »

    Marion G

  • « Forever, c’est la fontaine de jouvence ! C'est le seul endroit où je suis satisfaite par tous mes soins. Les esthéticiennes sont expertes et bienveillantes. J'ai fait le l’épilation laser, des peelings, et dernièrement l'Hydrafacial – je suis accro ! »

    Sarah A

  • « Situé au cœur de la ville, vous serez accueillis comme dans un 5 étoiles avec un service de qualité, des produits inédits, dans un cadre très agréable qui dégage une élégance épurée. C'est la meilleure adresse à Genève pour les problèmes de peau, taches, cicatrices et pilosité. Je recommande aussi leurs soins corps. »

    Alex E

  • « Un espace inédit où le professionnalisme est sublimé par l'attitude chaleureuse et familiale d'une équipe souriante et dynamique. Cela fait plusieurs mois que je fréquente l'institut et je vous le recommande vivement. »

    Sébastien H

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